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last modification: 2012. 02. 09.

Magyar nyelven:  Üveglemezméretek


With several old, discontinued sizes.

Sheet film, Glass plate, etc.

DIN standard sizes in cm notes
6.5 × 9
9 × 12
10 × 15 postcard
13 × 18
18 × 24
24 × 30
30 x 40
40 x 50
50 x 60

English sizes in inches English sizes in  mm:
(true size, not the inches in mm)
3 x 4 76 × 102 
4 x 5 102 × 127
5×7 127 × 178
7×17 178 × 432
8×10 203 × 254
8×20 203 × 508
11×14 279 × 356
12×20 305 × 508
14×17 356 × 417

16×20 406 × 508
20×24 508 × 610

Glass Plates, Sheet Films and other Camera Materials

under construction...

Metric sizes in mm

English type sizes in inch

English type sizes in  mm


40 x 40

41 × 57

15/8 × 21/8

41 × 57

tintype 1/16

45 x 60

51 × 64

2 × 2½

51 × 64

tintype 1/9

51 × 76

2 × 3

51 × 76

60 x 80

64 × 89

2½ × 3½

64 × 89

tintype 1/6

65 x 90

76 × 102

3 × 4

76 × 102

79 × 105

31/8 × 41/8

79 × 105

tintype 1/4

80 x 105

83 × 108

3¼ × 4¼

83 × 108

lantern slide 1/4

83 × 140

3¼ × 5½

83 × 140


85 x 100

90 x 90

90 x 120

90 x 180


100 x 130

102 × 127

4 × 5

102 × 127

102 × 254

4 × 10

102 × 254

108 × 165

4¼ × 6½

108 × 165

half plate, wet collodion, ambrotype

100 × 150


110 x 150


114 × 165

4½ × 6½

114 × 165

cabinet card format

114 × 140

4½ × 5½

114 × 140

half plate tintype

120 x 150

120 x 160

120 x 200

127 × 178

5 × 7

127 × 178

5 × 8

130 x 160

130 x 180

130 x 210

150 x 180

150 x 210

160 x 210

165 x 216

whole (full) plate

165 × 216 8½ × 6½ 216 × 165 whole (full) plate, wet collodion, ambrotype

178 × 432

7 × 17

178 × 432

180 x 240

203 × 152

8 × 6

203 × 152

cabinet card

203 × 254

8 × 10

203 × 254

203 × 508

8 × 20

203 × 508

210 x 260

210 x 270

whole (full) plate, wet collodion, ambrotype

240 x 300

240 x 360

260 x 310

260 x 360

270 x 330

279 × 356

11 × 14

279 × 356

280 x 340

290 x 340

300 x 360

300 x 400

305 × 508

12 × 20

305 × 508

340 x 390

356 × 417

14 × 17

356 × 417

360x 480

390 x 470

400 x 500

406 × 508

16 × 20

406 × 508

500 x 600

508 × 610

20 × 24

508 × 610


Gernsheim, Helmut: History of photography.  1954

Leopold Loebenstein pricelist Wien 1910-s

+My measurings on archive materials

Plate Sizes

Film Formats © 2006

Large formats

Sizes of Photographs